I Hate Moving!

Hey yall! I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend with their mothers for Mother’s Day! I wasn’t able to spend the day with my mom, but we talk on the phone multiple times daily, and Sunday was no different.

So, if you guys have been following my blog and/or keep up with me via social media, you know that I am eagerly counting down the days until I graduate (17 days to be exact). Since I’ll be spending the next 3 years in a new city for residency, I have to pack up my life and move. I’ve found a place to live and met some really great people in the city I’m moving to. I’m extremely excited to start this new journey.

Unfortunately, that excitement is quickly met with frustration as I prepare to move. Can I tell you how much I HATE moving? Uuuggghh! Ever since I graduated from college, I’ve been moving every 2 to 3 years. You would think that I’m a pro at it by now, but that is not the case.

FYI: If you don’t feel like hearing me rant, just stop reading now and go do something productive. Otherwise, let me vent and tell you 5 reasons why I hate moving!

1. I’m a procrastinator.

I keep saying I’m going to do better about procrastination. However, since I am a procrastinator I keep putting off getting better. I know, it’s a shame. I’m scheduled to move in less than 2 weeks and ask me how much packing I’ve done…

MJ cyring meme


2. I need my mother.

Another reason I don’t like packing is because I can never seem to get things to fit like my mother. She’s the ultimate packer! When my mom helps me pack she can fit everything but the kitchen sink in one box. I have no clue how she does it. It’s like she’s the Tetris queen when it comes to making things fit. (I’m sure I’m not the only one who has a super hero mom like mine.) She’s spoiled me and has been here to help me pack every time I’ve ever moved, but not this time. I guess I have to be a big girl and get it done by myself.

3. I’m easily sidetracked, which leads to me becoming overwhelmed.

This one goes back to #1. I wouldn’t get so overwhelmed and sidetracked if I use my time wisely and start way ahead of time. But nope, that sounds too much like right. When cleaning out my storage closet last night I found a picture album from my college graduation in 2009. I ended up looking at every single picture. I had tons of old notebooks and binders from graduate and medical school. I found myself flipping through pages of lecture notes that I will never, ever use again. To top it off, I ended up watching basketball, which meant very little was accomplished. Did yall see that Golden State vs. Portland game? Steph Curry WENT OFF!!! He came back from his injury like…


4. I have so much unnecessary stuff.

I think it’s funny how you don’t realize how much stuff you have until it’s time to move.
My living room looks like an episode of the A&E show Hoarders right now (well, not really). The bad part is, it’s all stuff that I forgot I had in the storage closet. Everything from old TIME magazines, cell phone boxes from phones I don’t even own anymore, extra HDMI cords, old CDs and more were in that closet. I’ve concluded that I’m not moving this junk with me, so if I didn’t even remember I had it, or if I don’t think I’ll use it soon, it’s going in the dumpster or donated to the Goodwill.

5. I’m cheap.

When I say, “I’m cheap,” I mean I will not pay money for something I can do myself. Yea, moving companies are convenient and are extremely helpful, if you don’t have any help, but I will not be paying a moving company. Between my dad, my boyfriend, and some other guys who I can get to volunteer their services, I have all the moving crew I need. Additionally, I refuse to buy moving boxes. I spent some time yesterday going to local businesses and asking for boxes that they don’t need. Most places were willing to help and some even offered to save some boxes for me to come pick up in a few days. Because I won’t pay for a moving crew, I have to work a bit harder but it’s okay. A little physical labor never hurt anybody.

Okay guys, I think I’m done with my rant. I just felt the need express my disdain for packing and moving. I’m well caffeinated now, so I’ll get back to this mess in my living room. Have a great rest of your week!

P.S. I have some really interesting things coming up here on www.thedoctorjb.com. Stay tuned.
